Wordsmith.org's Word-A-Day

Argentina in the News

Daily Hangman


Monday, July 6, 2009

A collocation is the way in which words are combined with one another. To move from a receptive to a productive vocabulary, students of English need to learn a wide variety of ways that words collocate with each other.

For example, please review these "Heavy Collocations" or phrases commonly associated with the adjective "heavy."

heavy duty
heavy heart
heavy meal
heavy weight
heavy breathing
heavy eyelids
heavy feet
heavy handed
heavy snowfall
heavy artillery
heavy thinker
heavy dose
heavy industry
heavy blow
heavy work
heavy depression
heavy sleeper
heavy trading

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn as your English Coach directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The " Willing" Adjective

How do you use "willing" as an adjective? Here is a key tip:

First, the definiton: being ready or having a desire to

Ex: They are willing to talk about the problem.

Willing describes their desire to be ready to discuss the problem.

Ex: I think Mary is willing to do the job.

Willing describes Mary.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Expressions with Make

Important Expressions with 'Make'

There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English.

make plans
make an exception
make arrangements
make a telephone call
make a decision
make a mistake
make noise
make money
make an excuse
make an effort

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn as your English Coach directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

To Do or To Make?

The two verbs 'do' and 'make' are often confused. The meanings are similar, but here are key tips for their different uses.

Use 'Do' for Activities

Use the verb 'do' to express daily activities or jobs. Notice that these are usually activities that produce no physical object. Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general. In other words, when we do not exactly name an activity.

do homework
do housework
do the dishes

Use 'Make' for Constructing, Building, Creating

Use 'make' to express an activity that creates something that you can touch.

make food
make a cup of tea / coffee
make a mess


In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn as your English Coach directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Job Hunt in English Part II

English is an essential career booster in Argentina. A casual glimpse at job descriptions online demand some level of English.

In our second installment of Job Hunt English, we provide you the essential vocabulary below:

supervisor - your superior in a company

achievement - an accomplishment, a goal that has been attained

attitude - your disposition, how you approach life - do you have a positive or negative attitude?

gaps - time period between jobs - make sure you can explain any gaps - were you out of work, traveling, studying, etc?

extracurricular activities - things/activities done on your free time (hobbies, etc)

job offer - when the company wants to hire you, they offer you the job and a figure for compensation

benefits - these are "extras" an employer offers in addition to your salary


Do you need help with English in your job search?

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

La gloria del castellano

Buenos Aires Translator and Interpreter

While living as a Buenos Aires Translator and interpreter, Spanish is just as important if not more than using English.

Each day I bridge the linguistic barrier by teaching my students English. In between I have to negotiate Buenos Aires and confront their local version of Spanish, porteño. This is the adjective used to describe the residents of Buenos Aires and so I apply it to their version of Spanish.

Besides teaching English, I translate from Spanish/French/Portuguese to English and do Spanish<>English business interpretation. Spanish and English compete to be the second most spoken language in the world and expertise in both is an advantage here.

The Spanish Advantage

It really pays to learn at least one more language. The obvious choice is Spanish, the next most widely spoken language globally.

From its 7th century roots, the Spanish language spans the world and today remains a socio-economic-politico force.

US-Latin America trade turns on the ability of partners to communicate. A skilled business interpreter plays a pivotal role in breaking down language barriers and promoting a successful business climate one client at a time.

Hire your skilled business interpreter today!

From a high-powered meeting to negotiating a merger with a strategic partner to a press conference, on occasions the expertise of a professional interpreter is key to success.

Do you need a skilled Spanish<>English business interpreter?

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Buenos Aires Business Interpretations

Global Economy

My second business interpretation assignment last week pressed home just how interconnected the global economy is.

An import/export firm in Buenos Aires needed its accountant to answer questions from the accountant of a business associate in the United States.

In a tenuous telephone conference in the noisy office above the sales floor, I proceeded to bridge the understanding between the two parties. The true nature of the misunderstanding regarding accounting figures of course was not apparent until the conference began.

Skilled Consecutive Business Interpretation

A clear explanation of the ground rules at the beginning avoided any frustration during the call. Consecutive interpretation requires each party to understand the interpreter needs to complete the rendering before the other side begins to speak; otherwise, crosstalk results.

As an instructor of accounting and finance vocabulary at a local private university, familiarity with a company's financial data in both Spanish and English was a godsend. Of course, numerous business translations in the past from annual reports to monthly sales figures aided the effort.

My brother and sister interpreters play a vital role in international commerce every working day.

Hire your skilled business interpreter today!

Do you need a skilled Spanish<>English business interpreter?

In Buenos Aires, you may also contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Job Hunt in English Part I

English is an essential career booster in Argentina. A casual glimpse at job descriptions online demand some level of English.

To kick off our series on Job Hunt English, we provide you the essential vocabulary below:

human resources manager
someone who employs people for a firm, also known as a personnel manager

the dates or times when certain tasks must be completed

to work on your own initiative
to make decisions about your work without having to wait for someone else to help you

to multi-task
to do more than one piece of work at a time

a proven track record
evidence you've been successful in the past in your area of work


Do you need English for your job or want to improve your career? Hire your personal English Coach today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Writing effective introductions and conclusions

A good essay presents the reader with a logical, clear and detailed argument. The main strands and structure of this argument should be established clearly in the introduction.

The conclusion of an essay should then bring these strands together, and reiterate the most important parts in order to convince the reader of the main argument. This does not mean the argument should come to a simplistic solution-type conclusion, but rather that whatever has been explored, once the evidence has been weighed/the text analyzed/the situation assessed, should be clearly stated so that the reader of the essay has a clear understanding of the subject.

This means that introductions and conclusions need to be clearly written: they are probably the sections of the essay which will need the most tweaking and re-drafting in the re-writing process.

A good introduction should:

  • indicate that you understand the question and how you are interpreting it
  • establish what you will be arguing and how
  • begin to define the key terms of the essay
  • locate your argument in a critical debate/historical context
Hire your personal English Coach today to improve your essay writing!

Please enjoy an Argentine news story translated from Spanish to English.
Courtesy: Buenos Aires Translator

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Essay planning - developing an argument

Present an Argument

All essays need to present an argument, whether it is to do with assessing or analysing a particular text, situation or event, comparing factors, or coming to a conclusion about a specific issue or theory. When planning how you are going to answer a particular essay question, you should bear in mind the need to come up with an argument to demonstrate that you can think critically: no essay requires you simply to describe a situation.


Everyone plans in different ways; you will be planning your essay all the way through the research process, and most probably throughout the writing process as well. You may find it helpful to keep a record of your thinking process either writing a list of how your main ideas connect, producing a spider diagram, or writing your main ideas for paragraphs on post-it notes which you can then move around when thinking about the most helpful structure for your essay.

You may find that you need to start doing the research first to work out what the different sections of the essay will be. The important thing is to give yourself the space and time to think through and explain an argument - so once you have decided what material you need to cover you need to make a decision about how you will analyze this material.

Hire your personal English Coach today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Standard Written English

Standard written English is a solid basis to help you communicate effectively in a host of situations.

Written assignments test your ability to communicate an argument effectively.

Using the correct spelling, punctuation and grammar will help you communicate clearly.

Effective word choice, recognition of sentences and sentence parts, and basic English usage are essential.

One should be able to generate sentences that clearly express ideas.

Hire your personal English Coach today! Boost your career and get the job you deserve!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Medical English in Buenos Aires

Limited English May Be Life-Threatening

Forbes.com reports a disturbing trend in the United States - those who speak limited English are in life-threatening situations. Medical care may not be available because of the language barrier.

In a larger point, Medical English is essential as here in Argentina.

Medical personnel can attend to tourists or residents who speak English.

A fast way to test your English medical vocabulary is try the 40 terms and phrases contained in my Quizlet flashcard set.

Hire your English Coach today to improve your Medical English today!

If you are in Buenos Aires and want English lessons personally designed to fit your needs, please call Professor Winn at 1160 461 342 or send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com.

Anyone interested in English-language services or translations (Sp/Fr/Pt>En) may send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com for a prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts today!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bite-Size American Literature Audio Clips

Bite-size audio clips available for mp3 download are available on the world-famous Cliff Notes page.

Today's technology meets the canon of literature.

While aimed at US teenagers to the horror of their high school English teachers, anyone who loves literature can indulge!

These podcasts are three to four minute capsules of the great works of literature including Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird and a couple of plays by the Bard.

Load up on your literature today!

Hire your personal English coach today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Test scores hurt international recruitment

credit: youreducationmatters.com

Test scores hurt international recruitment

Does your company require a measurement of your English proficiency?

Do you want to know your true dominance of the language?

Don't hurt your chances for advancement like the students mentioned in the above article.

An alphabet soup of international tests is available whether for academic or career purposes.

Ah, but the heart of the matter is test preparation!

Each test basically covers the four essential areas of language usage: 1) reading 2) writing 3) speaking and 4) listening.

Your average English class is too broad and moves along at too slow of a pace to prepare you for the rigors of an international English exam.

Therefore, it is essential to register for a test prep class for the test you will take.

Don't miss these TOEFL/IELTS tips!
If you are in Buenos Aires and want English lessons personally designed to fit your needs, please call Professor Winn a, your personal English coach, at 1160 461 342 or send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com.

Anyone interested in English-language services or translations (Sp/Fr/Pt>En) may send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com for a prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts today!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A city in Entre Rios refuses Buenos Aires’ poor

Please enjoy an Argentine news story translated from Spanish to English.
Courtesy: Buenos Aires Translator

A city in Entre Rios refuses Buenos Aires’ poor

Neighbors fear migrations from towns in Buenos Aires. A history of a crisis full of prejudices

Report by Pablo Calvo, special correspondent

A giant dorado on the side of the road welcomes you to the city of La Paz There are virgin trees along the shoulder of the road, chickens on the sidewalks, and cows tied to trees. The smooth current of the Parana River runs along the camalotes and hides 12 kilogram surubíes.

Life appears to pass by on a post card

Upon arriving in the plaza, an unexpected conflict arises. neighbors in the asphalt streets demand officials to stop the arrival of the poor from Buenos Aires. They speak about a secret plan to “spill” residents from the outskirts of Buenos Aires into the Littoral and met for a month to gather proof to confirm their suspicions.

In the meetings, there are professionals, teachers, nurses, hairdressers, housewives, private school students, drawn by a rumor: that people from Villa 31 of the Retiro, the oldest in the Federal Capital, are possibly landing for these payments.

Official denials do not calm passions : there were complaints on the radio, long list of demands and signs bordering on xenophobia. It is said there have been “strange faces” in the city from “subcultures” which could spark a “clash with local customs” and among the poor exists a possibility of a “contagion.”

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Alfonsin, the president who consolidated democracy, died

Please enjoy an Argentine news story translated from Spanish to English.
Courtesy: Buenos Aires Translator

credit: clarin.com

Alfonsin, the president who consolidated democracy, died

He suffered from lung cancer and in his final days agonizing in his apartment on avenida Santa Fe in the city of Buenos Aires. He was 82 years old and was the first democratic president after the fall of the military dictatorship.

FAREWELL A crowd mourned Alfonsin’s death.

His body, with scars of decades of political commotion, no longer could endure lung cancer that had worsened in the final hours with pneumonia. Raul Alfonsin at 82 years old, the man who led the country’s return to democracy after the last dictatorship, died last night.

The former leader died at 8:30 pm with the official confirmation a few minutes after 9:00 pm. Dr. Alberto Sadler gave the news with some details.

“Regrettably at 8:30 pm Dr. Raul Alfonsin had died peacefully in his home accompanied by his family. He was sleeping with sensory deterioration and breathing very peacefully. At this time it can be said it occurred peacefully and accompanied by his family as he always wanted to happen” was the brief word by Sadler to reporters.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Argentine Wine Woes

Please listen to the following BBC News report and answer the following questions. Then check your answers.


1. Where is the heart of the Argentine wine industry located?

2. "A glass of wine is soon ____________." (followed by a bottle)

3. Argentina is the ___th largest exporter of wine to _____ countries. (7th, 130)

4. Name three types of Argentine wine grapes. cabernet, chardonnay, malbec

5. Which countries are the greatest consumers of Argentine wine? US, UK

6. What is a current challenge to the progress of the Argentine wine industry?

7. How long does it take to bring wine to market? Why? 3 years - 1 to grow grapes, 2 before can sell wine

8. What makes Argentine wine "great" according to the video? glacier water from high Andes

9. Define these vocabulary terms.

harvest financing
cordillera marketing
grandees capital

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Buenos Aires Headlines: March 16, 2009

Headlines in Buenos Aires, Argentina, dailies:

If you need a translator for your documents from Spanish, French or Portuguese to English, please contact Professor Winn at mrenglish101@gmail.com.

El Argentino.com:

if the proposal is approved

On confirmation of moving up the election date, candidate lists must close on May 9

Nation/ 15:14 The change in date of the legislative elections requires political parties to close their respective candidate lists on that date. Given that possibility, some alliances have begun to take shape and some political leaders have begun decide whether to be candidates.


Brazil: one of the assaulted Argentine tourists said it was planned


Six armed thieves last night broke into an inn in Buzios They spent 4 hours in the place and fled with money and electronic items One of the victims said the group had a list of guests.

La Nacion.com:

The dollar stabilized after a slight uptick

The currency appreciated in the opening operations in the city, but closed at $3.66 on average, the same price on Friday; Merval advances

Economic News

Despite the [inopportune] official announcement of moving up the legislative elections, the dollar, which had opened with an uptick, closed at the same level as last Friday.

At the close of the first operations of the week, the US currency remained stable, on average, at $3.66 for sale at exchange shops and central banks in Buenos Aires.


In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

English for Executives in Buenos Aires

Language of Business

English is the language of business. Whether at the office or on the road, business executives need sharp English skills to close the deal.

Business executives can benefit from improving their English skills and knowledge about their industry to assist their clients.

Your proficiency in English is tied to your career advancement usually.

Sometimes companies require a measurement of your language ability. For English, the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) may be requested.

Preparation for the specific vocabulary of your industry and TOEFL or TOEIC preparation is ideal to achieve your career goals.

Examples of Vocabulary

I am writing to… Le escribo para… El motivo de la presente…

I would be delighted to … Me / Nos encantaría

I am enclosing … Estoy adjuntando

Please find enclosed …Adjunto a la presente sírvase encontrar …

Enclosed you will find …Adjunto a la presente encontrará …

Hire an English Coach, Professor Winn!

For English for Business Executives or translations of business documents, email Professor Winn at mrenglish101@gmail.com. My English services include writing effective resumes, cover letters, and business letters.

Do you need business research in French, Spanish or Portuguese written in an English-language report? That is also a specialty of Professor Winn.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your Business English texts here!

Friday, March 13, 2009

English for Hoteliers

Language of Tourism

English is the language of tourism. From airlines to your destination, to check-in at the hotel, and dining under the stars with your significant other, English is the lingua franca for a smooth trip.

Airline, hotel, restaurant and other tourism personnel can benefit from improving their English skills and knowledge about their industry to assist their clients.

Your proficiency in English is tied to your career advancement usually.

Sometimes companies require a measurement of your language ability. For English, the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) may be requested.

Preparation for the specific vocabulary of your industry and TOEFL or TOEIC preparation is ideal to achieve your career goals.

Examples of Vocabulary

¿Me permite ver la habitación primero?
May I see the room first?

¿Tiene alguna habitación más tranquila?
Do you have anything quieter?

¿Tiene caja fuerte?
Do you have a safe?

¿Está incluido el desayuno?
Is the breakfast included?

Hire an English Coach, Professor Winn!

For English for Hoteliers or translations of business documents, email Professor Winn at mrenglish101@gmail.com

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

English for Pilots in Buenos Aires Part 3

Aqui encuentra una lista de abreviaturas en inglés, pero con la significa en español.

¿Necesita mejorar los conocimientos de ingles? Por favor, llamame pronto para concretar un programa de clases!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

English for Pilots in Buenos Aires - Part 2

Aviation's Lingua Franca

English, for now, is the language of international aviation.

Thus, pilots, airline flight crews, and air traffic controllers are obligated by international norms to show a measurable proficiency in the English language.

If you currently work or want a career in the aviation industry, you need to pay attention to these guidelines.

ICAO English Language Criteria

According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a Level 4 competence must be achieved.

A pilot, flight crew member, and air traffic controller must meet the following criteria:
(Assumes a dialect and/or accent intelligible to the aeronautical community.)
Pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation are influenced by the first language or regional variation but only sometimes interfere with ease of understanding.

(Relevant grammatical structures and sentence patterns are determined by language functions appropriate to the task.)
Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are used creatively and are usually well controlled. Errors may occur, particularly in unusual or unexpected circumstances, but rarely interfere with meaning.

Vocabulary range and accuracy are usually sufficient to communicate effectively on common, concrete, and work-related topics. Can often paraphrase successfully when lacking vocabulary in unusual or unexpected circumstances.

Produces stretches of language at an appropriate tempo. There may be occasional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does not prevent effective communication. Can make limited use of discourse markers or connectors. Fillers are not distracting.

Comprehension is mostly accurate on common, concrete, and work-related topics when the accent or variety used is sufficiently intelligible for an international community of users. When the speaker is confronted with a linguistic or situational complication or an unexpected turn of events, comprehension may be slower or require clarification strategies.

Responses are usually immediate, appropriate, and informative. Initiates and maintains exchanges even when dealing with an unexpected turn of events. Deals adequately with apparent misunderstandings by checking, confirming, or clarifying.

Hire and English Coach, Professor Winn

Maintain or improve your English language proficiency!

Are you in Buenos Aires and need an English coach? If you currently work or seek a career in the aviation industry, you can easily improve your English skills today!

Hire Professor Winn as your English coach!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

English for Pilots in Buenos Aires - Part I

English, for now, is the language of international aviation.

Thus, pilots, airline flight crews, and air traffic controllers are obligated by international norms to show a measurable proficiency in the English language.

If you currently work or want a career in the aviation industry, you need to pay attention to these guidelines.

ICAO Regulations

According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a Level 4 competence must be achieved.

In broad terms, a pilot, flight crew member, and air traffic controller must:

  1. communicate effectively in voice-only (telephone/radiotelephone) and in face-to-face situations;
  2. communicate on common, concrete and work-related topics with accuracy and clarity;
  3. use appropriate communicative strategies to exchange messages and to recognize and resolve misunderstandings (e.g. to check, confirm, or clarify information) in a general or work-related context;
  4. handle successfully and with relative ease the linguistic challenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn of events that occurs within the context of a routine work situation or communicative task with which they are otherwise familiar; and
  5. use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to the aeronautical community.
Our next post will relay exactly how these broad descriptors are defined by the ICAO.

Hire and English Coach, Professor Winn

Are you in Buenos Aires and need an English coach? If you currently work or seek a career in the aviation industry, you can easily improve your English skills today!

Hire Professor Winn as your English coach!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

LNG Translations in Buenos Aires: Part I

Argentina is LNG (liquid natural gas) rich.

LNG is a liquid form of natural gas (liquefied gas cooled to -256oF or -161oC ) used in homes for cooking and heating. Natural gas is also used to generate electricity.

Natural gas is found beneath the earth's surface and can be associated (with crude oil) or non-associated (produced by itself naturally).

A number of operations in the LNG value chain (exploration, production, liquefaction, shipping, and storage) are needed to bring the gas to market.

The growing and changing nature of LNG means that its language brings together terms from the worlds of finance, utilities, trading and many other sectors, as well as from gas and shipping.

A translator skilled in the LNG and petroleum fields as well as business and finance can serve in a support role for both companies in Argentina already engaged in the market and prospective companies from abroad.

Hire Professor Winn

Investors and LNG companies involved or planning to enter the Argentine market can rely on Professor Winn to deliver accurate and timely LNG translations in Buenos Aires from Spanish, French, and Portuguese into English.

Professor Winn can also conduct research in Spanish, French, and Portuguese and report his findings in English.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for a host of English Language Services including translations, research reports, and language classes at 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com.

Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Petroleum and LNG Translations in Buenos Aires Part I

Petroleum and LNG Market

Argentina is Latin America's number three producer of oil and gas.

Indeed, oil and LNG comprise between 85 and 90% of Argentina's energy matrix. Argentina had 2.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves as of January 2008, up from 2.5 billion barrels in 2007.

LNG reserves topped 15.3 trillion cubic feet in January 2008, the third highest in Latin America.

Challenges confront the Argentine oil and LNG industries. However, challenges usually create new opportunities.

Potential Investors and Petroleum and LNG Translations

Potential investors in Argentina's petroleum and LNG industries may need translations from Spanish to English of available government literature or market research.

Quality translations of said materials allow potential investors to fully explore the opportunities available in the Argentine market.

A translator like Professor Winn can also conduct market research in Spanish, French, or Portuguese and write a report in English.

Professor Winn also has experience translating in the petroleum and LNG fields and is knowledgeable about the up and downstream process and the technical terms specific to the industry. Every field has its argot, and the petroleum and LNG fields are no different.


If you need quality translations in the petroleum and LNG fields or are visiting Buenos Aires and require an interpreter, please contact Professor Winn directly at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com.

Translations and/or research requests (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mejorá tu comunicación en entrevistas, carta de presentacion

Get Hired Today!

Are you facing an interview with a English-speaking company here in Buenos Aires?

Do you believe your English skills are sufficient to speak confidently and get the job?

Are you thinking about sending your CV/resume to an English-speaking company? Is it formatted correctly?

Does your cover letter (carta de presentacion) communicate effectively your skills and knowledge?

Hire your own English coach, Professor Winn

If you need to communicate effectively in English (written, oral) or otherwise improve your English skills, hire your own personal English coach, Professor Winn!

I will prepare you for the interview and rewrite your resume and cover letter to achieve the success you seek!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts here!

Interview Success in English

This week Professor Winn prepared a corporate lawyer for a high-profile interview at an American firm in Buenos Aires.

I thought I'd share some insights from the joyful two day experience. These thoughts are not limited to the legal industry, but may be generally applied to your interview as well!

Helpful Tips

First, when conducting an interview in any second language, it is important to be poised. Especially at the lower level interviews, human resource officers try to trip you up with pointed questions like "What's your greatest weakness?" Naturally, you want to turn the question around to be able to speak about your greatest strength while answering the question.

Second, it is important to have a personal narrative ready to be stated at any moment. Indeed, think of it as your sales pitch. Create a two-minute speech about yourself. It's not a gloat session, but a direct presentation of what you can offer the firm.

Third, in English as in any language, it is important to listen carefully to the question. Listening comprehension is a very desirable skill in any business and in any language. Answer the questioner precisely and simply and show you understand the question!

Hire an English-language coach

Are you facing a job interview in English and need to boost your confidence in English? Hire your own personal English coach, Professor Winn! Get the job you deserve and speak confidently and professionally in English!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Be Bilingual - Recession-proof your career!

The international economic crisis highlights the need for improved skills and qualifications to compete in an uncertain job market. Being bilingual is sure-fire way to recession-proof your career.

Which language?

Thousands of languages from guaraní in Parguay to Vietnamese in Vietnam tempt the language learner.

For many, the language choice is simple - the lingua franca today is English.

A CV in English opens the doors to many more opportunities. A quick search of "ingles" on CompuTrabajo.com.ar shows just how important English is in Argentina. Job announcements for 456 posts showed up.

At least some level of English is required from jobs in hotels to high tech firms and financial offices. English is in demand because of its importance to international commerce.

First Step

The first step is to improve your English skills - hire your English coach!

Professor Winn is available to help boost your English langauge skills and successfully prepare your CV or you for an interview.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well-rounded education includes English language

Spanish University Increases English requirement

As pointed in the article, "Los alumnos de la UPNA deberán tener un nivel medio de inglés para graduarse," the inclusion of a higher than basic level of English is necessary to have a well-rounded education today.

Moreover, "el nivel de inglés obligatorio al acabar las carreras será el B1."

B1 Level

B1 is a designation in the European langauge framework. One's mastery of a language exists in quantifiable levels.

B1 is defined as:

1) CAN express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in a limited way or offer advice within a known area, and understand instructions or public announcements.

2) CAN understand routine information and articles, and the general meaning of non-routine information within a familiar area.

3) CAN write letters or make notes on familiar or predictable matters.

Hire your English Coach

Do you need to improve your English to reach your career goals? Do you want to use English at or beyond the B1 Level?

Hire your personal English coach, Professor Winn, today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2 More Effective Email Skills

Emails are essential in communicating effectively in the global economy.

Professor Winn presents two more important email skills in Business English:

1. Uses proper spelling and punctuation.
Again, you have only one chance to make a first impression. Poor spelling and punctuation do not speak well about your company.

2. Proofread, proofread, proofread!
If all possible have a native English speaker proofread your communications. Proofreading for style, proper spelling and punctuation, and coherence is worth the investment no matter the size of the business deal.

Professor Winn is available for coaching your staff in Business English from copywriting and proofreading to translation and interpretation.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

4 More Key English Words to Clinch Negotiations

Here are 4 more key English words to clinch your negotiations:

1. equivalent - a proposed agreement that is different from, but equal in value to, a previous proposal

2. facilitation - a process where people, called facilitators, try to make it easier for two people to reach an agreement

3. final agreement - the results of the negotiation that everyone agrees to put into action

4. good faith - being honest about your intentions

Professor Winn can coach your staff during negotiations with English-speaking clients.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Effective English Email Writing Skills

Email outpaces any other means of communication in the office today, according to surveys.

Writing effectively is a vital skill in any language, especially in Business English.

Here are three top skills to writing emails effectively in English:

1. Write a meaningful subject line.
Time is of the essence in the fast-paced global economy. Let your recipient know immediately the matter at hand.

2. Keep the message focused and readable.
In other words, make your email short and sweet as we say in English. Shakespeare said it better - Brevity is the soul of wit. Never write like you speak. Cover your key points and watch out for wordiness.

3. Write in active voice.
Engage your reader. Write in the active voice! Instead of "the document will be sent by Friday," write "Marketing will send the document by Friday."

Hire Professor Winn for all your English Services from writing emails, reports, and other documents to translation and interpretation. Get your competitive advantage in the global economy today. Communicate effectively in English!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Key 6 English Words to Clinch Negotiations

Your negotiations in English can make or break the deal.

Here are six key terms to boost your English negotiation vocabulary!

1. alternatives
- any other choices a person or group has, rather then agreeing with the other person or group

2. arbitration - when a neutral person or group comes in to settle a disagreement

3. commitment - an obligation to do something or deliver something

4. compromise - an agreement where you get less than you want but also give less than the other person wants

5. concession - accepting less on one specific point in order to get something from the other person on a different point

6. confidentiality - an agreement that prevents either side from talking about the agreement in public

Are you involved in English negotiations in Buenos Aires? Professor Winn can coach your team across the finish line!

Close the sale with your English-speaking clients now! Hire Professor Winn for a complete set of English Language Services from copywriting and proofreading to translation and interpretation.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Telephone English II

In our previous post, we discussed how essential proper Telephone English Etiquette is to your bottom line.

In particular, Professor Winn can coach your team to effectively handle your telephone communications in English.

In a structured program for your staff, Professor Winn covers the vital skills necessary to welcome English-speaking callers to your business and handling their requests for your staff.

Some but not all of these skill components in English telephone etiquette are:
  • Answering the phone
  • Introducing yourself
  • Asking to speak with someone
  • Connecting someone
  • Making special requests
  • Taking and Leaving a message for someone
Business English is a growing discipline given the role of the language in international commerce and its status of lingua franca for default communications between business partners across the globe who speak different languages.

Increase your global competitiveness and hire Professor Winn as your English coach today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Telephone English I

Telephone English is vital for effective business communications.

As the saying goes, you have only one chance to make a first impression. Every caller to your company is your potential next customer.

Therefore, proper English telephone etiquette is essential.

Helpful phrases for general greetings during the day like "good morning" or "good afternoon"are key to setting a friendly tone from the beginning.

Of course, listening intently and understanding the caller's request naturally is important. Phrases such as "How may I help you?"or "One moment, please" let the caller know you empathize and care about the conversation.

Practicing English telephone etiquette with a native, like Professor Winn, and learning the key phrases to handling a call to your business, are investments every business should make. He can coach you or your staff in proper telephone conversations in English to increase your competitiveness in our global economy.

Professor Winn offers other English Services for businesses from writing effective emails and reports to interpreting for Spanish-English meetings.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Perils of Business English Teaching

The good news? Business English is in strong demand in Buenos Aires. Argentina's capital is cosmopolitan and more open to international commerce than others on the continent.

That said, there are perils in working the Business English biz.

You often work for a recruiting company who sets up gigs at companies around town. So far so good.

However, be aware of these perils while working with companies:
  • Many companies want the the best teachers at the lowest price (naturally).
  • Many companies won’t pay for cancelled classes.
  • Many students cancel over half of their classes.
  • Teachers become demotivated and drop classes.

And the list goes on (covered in other posts).

Make sure you are clear on the recruitment's firms policies regarding cancelled classes. I've had cases where I never saw the student, but I still got paid! :)

Every field has its hazards. Just know the rules to stay ahead of the game! Buena Suerte!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!