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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Effective English Email Writing Skills

Email outpaces any other means of communication in the office today, according to surveys.

Writing effectively is a vital skill in any language, especially in Business English.

Here are three top skills to writing emails effectively in English:

1. Write a meaningful subject line.
Time is of the essence in the fast-paced global economy. Let your recipient know immediately the matter at hand.

2. Keep the message focused and readable.
In other words, make your email short and sweet as we say in English. Shakespeare said it better - Brevity is the soul of wit. Never write like you speak. Cover your key points and watch out for wordiness.

3. Write in active voice.
Engage your reader. Write in the active voice! Instead of "the document will be sent by Friday," write "Marketing will send the document by Friday."

Hire Professor Winn for all your English Services from writing emails, reports, and other documents to translation and interpretation. Get your competitive advantage in the global economy today. Communicate effectively in English!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

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