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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Test scores hurt international recruitment

credit: youreducationmatters.com

Test scores hurt international recruitment

Does your company require a measurement of your English proficiency?

Do you want to know your true dominance of the language?

Don't hurt your chances for advancement like the students mentioned in the above article.

An alphabet soup of international tests is available whether for academic or career purposes.

Ah, but the heart of the matter is test preparation!

Each test basically covers the four essential areas of language usage: 1) reading 2) writing 3) speaking and 4) listening.

Your average English class is too broad and moves along at too slow of a pace to prepare you for the rigors of an international English exam.

Therefore, it is essential to register for a test prep class for the test you will take.

Don't miss these TOEFL/IELTS tips!
If you are in Buenos Aires and want English lessons personally designed to fit your needs, please call Professor Winn a, your personal English coach, at 1160 461 342 or send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com.

Anyone interested in English-language services or translations (Sp/Fr/Pt>En) may send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com for a prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts today!

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