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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

English Services

Can you and your team tackle the communication challenges of international business in the future?

English in Buenos Aires is proud to offer the following English Services in addition to English classes.

Please contact Professor Winn via cellular in Buenos Aires @ 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101@gmail.com:

Our Services:

1. Translation - from Spanish/French/Portuguese to English in the following areas: business/commerce/finances, medical, legal, technology, and government/international relations.

2. Copywriting and Proofreading - If you need a letter, essay or other document written originally in English (not translated), please contact us immediately for your project. We promise to communicate your meaning precisely and succinctly directly to your attended audience. We also proofread your existing English documents. You only have one chance to make a first impression!

3. Perfecting Business English - Are you able to compete and win the business you want with your current level of Business English? From documents to negotiations, Professor Winn can transform your business products into a competitive advantage.

Professor Winn can assist you with the following (not exclusive):
  • E-mail Writing
  • Telephoning
  • Presentations
  • Efective Meetings
  • Accent Training
We are qualified and ready to design any kind of workshop. Our clients tell us their needs and we work to meet them with excellence and professionalism.

4. Executive Services - Business English Executive Coaching: face-to-face or via e-coaching - learn the cultural aspects of the English business world and learn professional and intercultural competencies.

Professor Winn understands today's world of global business from the inside out.

If you are in Buenos Aires and want English lessons personally designed to fit your needs, please call Professor Winn at 1160 461 342 or send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com.

Anyone interested in English-language services or translations (Sp/Fr/Pt>En) may send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com for a prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts today!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

What is RSS?

What is RSS?


What is RSS? This questions comes to mind for many new readers. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) makes it easier for your to keep up with your favorite website. Get my feed!

You do want to keep up to date with the latest posts on English in Buenos Aires?

We have a number of ways that you can subscribe to this site and receive updates. The main one that our readers use is our RSS feed. But what is RSS?

What is RSS?

RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites.

In the ‘old days’ of the web to keep track of updates on a website you had to ‘bookmark’ websites in your browser and manually return to them on a regular basis to see what had been added.

The problems with bookmarking

  • You as the web surfer had to do all the work
  • It can get complicated when you are trying to track many websites at once
  • You miss information when you forget to check your bookmarks
  • You end up seeing the same information over and over again on sites that don’t update very often

RSS Changes Everything

What if you could tell a website to let you know every time that they update? In a sense, this is what RSS does for you.

RSS flips things around a little and is a technology that provides you with a method of getting relevant and up to date information sent to you for you to read in your own time. It saves you time and helps you to get the information you want quickly after it was published.

It’s like subscribing to a magazine that is delivered to you periodically but instead of it coming in your physical mail box each month when the magazine is published it is delivered to your ‘RSS Reader’ every time your favorite website updates.

The key is for you to understand why it’s good and how to use it.

I have found RSS to be almost an addiction and much easier to get the information you need from the sites you like.

How to Use RSS

Get an RSS Reader - The first thing you’ll want to do if you’re getting into reading sites via RSS is to choose an RSS Feed Reader.

There are many feed readers going around with a variety of approaches and features - however a good place to start is with a couple of free and easy to use web based ones like Google Reader and Bloglines. Either one will do if you’re starting out (I use Google’s Reader) - as I say there are many others to choose from but to get started either of these are fairly easy to use and will help you work out the basics of RSS.

You can receive your own news briefing in the reader and decide which stories you want to read more about or skip to the next item.

The best way to learn how to use either Google Reader or Bloglines is to simply subscribe to some feeds and give it a go. Both have helpful help sections to get you up and running.

Find Some Feeds to Subscribe to - there are two places to look for a site’s feed:

  1. On the Site
  2. In Your Browser

On Site Subscription
Over the last few years you may have noticed a lot of little buttons and widgets appearing on your favorite sites and blogs. Little orange buttons, ‘counters’ with how many ‘readers a blog has, links called RSS, XML, ATOM and many more.

There are plenty more - but any time you see any of these buttons or anything like them it means that the site you are viewing almost certainly has a feed that you can subscribe to. In most cases it’s as simple as either copying and pasting the link associated with the button into your RSS Reader or clicking the button and following the instructions to subscribe using the feed reader of your choice.

Browser Subscription

Many internet browsers now have the ability to find and subscribe to RSS feeds built right into them.

When you surf to a site you can usually tell if it has an RSS feed by looking in the right hand side of address bar where you type in the site’s URL with the familiar orange RSS icon.

Using Safari Browser it is a blue RSS icon.

Other modern browsers will have similar icons.

To quickly and easily subscribe by clicking these icons you’ll want to set up your browser to do it with your feed reader of choice as by default they will probably subscribe you using the in-browser reader. You can do this by going to the ‘preferences’ to your browser and choosing ‘Google Reader’ or ‘Bloglines’ etc as your feed reader.

Once you’ve done this and have subscribed to a few feeds you’ll begin to see unread items in your Feed Reader and you can start reading.

Don’t want to Use an RSS Reader? Email is an Option

If the above explanation all just seems a little too complicated for you then please don’t worry. Many sites also enable you to subscribe to RSS feeds via a more familiar medium - Email.

Here at English in Buenos Aires we offer a handy email sign up in the top right sidebar where you can enter your email address and get a daily email with a summary of our latest posts. You can unsubscribe at any time and your email will be kept private and not used for any other purposes than to send these daily updates.

Further Reading on What RSS is

RSS In Plain English

Subscribe to English in Buenos Aires feed!
Thank you!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!


There are two main ways that you can keep up to date with the latest news at English in Buenos Aires. Choose the best option for you and you’re more than welcome to pick any (or all) of them.

RSS Feed


For those of you familiar with RSS and News Aggregators you can follow English in Buenos Aires via our RSS feed. Simply add it to your news aggregator and you’ll get notification every time something is published on English in Buenos Aires. Learn more about how to use RSS.

Email Subscription


If you’re not an RSS user you can get one daily email that gives you any post that has been written on English in Buenos Aires that day. You can unsubscribe from this this service at any point. This service is provided by a third party (Feedburner) and you can subscribe to it by leaving your email address in the following field and following the instructions.

Enter your email address:

Delivered by FeedBurner

Please note - your privacy is assured with any of the above options. I do not use your details for any other purposes than what you sign up for and details are kept private.

About English in Buenos Aires

About English in Buenos Aires

Welcome to English in Buenos Aires- a blog helping you understand and appreciate the English language in Buenos Aires!

Into the Virtual English Classroom

My name is Winn Trivette II - the Ace Translator and English professor as well! Languages are my passion and I share the love of my native language everyday to students, mis amigos here in Buenos Aires, and of course with you, my loyal reader through posts to English in Buenos Aires and accompanying blog, Mr. English 101 or my blog dedication to translation.

I am a US expat living in Buenos Aires who teaches English and does freelance translations to afford a comfortable life in Argentina's sprawling capital city.

Learning is no longer confined to the stuffy classroom with a teacher before the class lecturing on the value of the subject material and imploring you to learn or else.

Why English in Buenos Aires?

The site is dedicated to you - the student of English and even we native speakers are all students of English at sometime. The learning never stops. English in Buenos Aires is important to you for the following 4 reasons:

1. Influence of English

The flexibility of the English language and the heavy influence of popular culture require constant monitoring of trends in the language. Also, the influence of English on other languages grows each day. We explore these phenomena in our commentary on the English language in posts to Mr. English 101.

2. Importance of English in today's world and in Buenos Aires

Communicating in English is a certain route to a better living and cultural enrichment on an unparalleled scale. International commerce, media and entertainment, science and technology, and diplomacy are conducted on a global basis in English as a common medium between interested parties. English is the modern lingua franca and for that alone the importance of learning the language is paramount.

Mr. English101 is fluent in Spanish and encourages the learning of another language for cultural enjoyment alone.

3. Learning English

Mr. English101 covers English grammar, writing, proofreading, and even resume writing. Business English is a favorite topic given its role as described above.

4. Learning how to use English

English in Buenos Aires provides helpful tips on how to use English in the four disciplines of speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The hope is that our information aids in learning the language in the smallest amount of time possible.

Subscribe to English in Buenos Aires and don't miss a single post!

Please stay in touch with what English in Buenos Aires through one of our subscription methods.

I hope you enjoy English in Buenos Aires!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!