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Monday, June 29, 2009

Expressions with Make

Important Expressions with 'Make'

There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English.

make plans
make an exception
make arrangements
make a telephone call
make a decision
make a mistake
make noise
make money
make an excuse
make an effort

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn as your English Coach directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

To Do or To Make?

The two verbs 'do' and 'make' are often confused. The meanings are similar, but here are key tips for their different uses.

Use 'Do' for Activities

Use the verb 'do' to express daily activities or jobs. Notice that these are usually activities that produce no physical object. Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general. In other words, when we do not exactly name an activity.

do homework
do housework
do the dishes

Use 'Make' for Constructing, Building, Creating

Use 'make' to express an activity that creates something that you can touch.

make food
make a cup of tea / coffee
make a mess


In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn as your English Coach directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Job Hunt in English Part II

English is an essential career booster in Argentina. A casual glimpse at job descriptions online demand some level of English.

In our second installment of Job Hunt English, we provide you the essential vocabulary below:

supervisor - your superior in a company

achievement - an accomplishment, a goal that has been attained

attitude - your disposition, how you approach life - do you have a positive or negative attitude?

gaps - time period between jobs - make sure you can explain any gaps - were you out of work, traveling, studying, etc?

extracurricular activities - things/activities done on your free time (hobbies, etc)

job offer - when the company wants to hire you, they offer you the job and a figure for compensation

benefits - these are "extras" an employer offers in addition to your salary


Do you need help with English in your job search?

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

La gloria del castellano

Buenos Aires Translator and Interpreter

While living as a Buenos Aires Translator and interpreter, Spanish is just as important if not more than using English.

Each day I bridge the linguistic barrier by teaching my students English. In between I have to negotiate Buenos Aires and confront their local version of Spanish, porteƱo. This is the adjective used to describe the residents of Buenos Aires and so I apply it to their version of Spanish.

Besides teaching English, I translate from Spanish/French/Portuguese to English and do Spanish<>English business interpretation. Spanish and English compete to be the second most spoken language in the world and expertise in both is an advantage here.

The Spanish Advantage

It really pays to learn at least one more language. The obvious choice is Spanish, the next most widely spoken language globally.

From its 7th century roots, the Spanish language spans the world and today remains a socio-economic-politico force.

US-Latin America trade turns on the ability of partners to communicate. A skilled business interpreter plays a pivotal role in breaking down language barriers and promoting a successful business climate one client at a time.

Hire your skilled business interpreter today!

From a high-powered meeting to negotiating a merger with a strategic partner to a press conference, on occasions the expertise of a professional interpreter is key to success.

Do you need a skilled Spanish<>English business interpreter?

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

Buenos Aires Business Interpretations

Global Economy

My second business interpretation assignment last week pressed home just how interconnected the global economy is.

An import/export firm in Buenos Aires needed its accountant to answer questions from the accountant of a business associate in the United States.

In a tenuous telephone conference in the noisy office above the sales floor, I proceeded to bridge the understanding between the two parties. The true nature of the misunderstanding regarding accounting figures of course was not apparent until the conference began.

Skilled Consecutive Business Interpretation

A clear explanation of the ground rules at the beginning avoided any frustration during the call. Consecutive interpretation requires each party to understand the interpreter needs to complete the rendering before the other side begins to speak; otherwise, crosstalk results.

As an instructor of accounting and finance vocabulary at a local private university, familiarity with a company's financial data in both Spanish and English was a godsend. Of course, numerous business translations in the past from annual reports to monthly sales figures aided the effort.

My brother and sister interpreters play a vital role in international commerce every working day.

Hire your skilled business interpreter today!

Do you need a skilled Spanish<>English business interpreter?

In Buenos Aires, you may also contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!