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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Key 6 English Words to Clinch Negotiations

Your negotiations in English can make or break the deal.

Here are six key terms to boost your English negotiation vocabulary!

1. alternatives
- any other choices a person or group has, rather then agreeing with the other person or group

2. arbitration - when a neutral person or group comes in to settle a disagreement

3. commitment - an obligation to do something or deliver something

4. compromise - an agreement where you get less than you want but also give less than the other person wants

5. concession - accepting less on one specific point in order to get something from the other person on a different point

6. confidentiality - an agreement that prevents either side from talking about the agreement in public

Are you involved in English negotiations in Buenos Aires? Professor Winn can coach your team across the finish line!

Close the sale with your English-speaking clients now! Hire Professor Winn for a complete set of English Language Services from copywriting and proofreading to translation and interpretation.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations (Es/Fr/Pt >En) via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation. Buy your English-language texts here!

1 comment:

Amanda Moon said...

These are all very good. I would add 'flexible' to the list.