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Thursday, December 18, 2008

English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

Ok, so you can converse with native speakers and be understood. You can write fairly well and your reading comprehension is above normal thanks to working with a native professor. But, what about the lexicon of your profession? That is where English for Specific Purposes enters the language battle so to speak. Remember, learning of a second language never stops. Examples of English for Specific Purposes include but not limited to the following:

·English for Business (Inglés para Negocios)

·English for Nursing (Inglés para Enferemeros)

·English for Hospitality (Inglés para Turismo)

·English for Law (Inglés para el Derecho)

·English for Finance (Inglés para Finanza) ESP requires different courses or syllabuses which are designed to meet the needs of learners who want to learn how to be able to speak and write in the context of their work more than general English proficiency.

If you are in Buenos Aires, please
contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for evaluation.Courses are designed to meet your professional requirements.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spanish<>English Interpreter

Besides translating your documents from Spanish, French, and Portuguese, I also do Spanish<> English interpreting for any event or individual. Translation is for documents. Interpretation is for speech. The two concepts are often confused.

There are two main types of interpretation: consecutive and simultaneous.

In business meetings or visits by executives to Buenos Aires, consecutive interpreting is more likely. This occurs when one person speaks, the interpreter renders the message into the listener's language, and then waits to communicate accurately and responsibly the response. The interpreter serves as a bridge between the two parties. The interpreter is paid by the hour.

In conferences, speeches or other similar venues, simultaneous interpretation is more likely. Instant interpretation of the speaker's words occurs. It is important to have an advance copy of a speech if possible to prepare for any terms or concepts that may require extra work. Again, the interpreter is paid by the hour.

Should you need a competent and personable interpreter during any time in Buenos Aires, please contact me to schedule your event.

Professor Winn is available for your own English classes or interpretation needs at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Translation Sp/Fr/Pt > English

As a certified translator, I can offer a gamut of English Services.

As a language practitioner of English, I am proficient in adequately finding the meaning in text and converting it to my native language. A professional translator only renders documents into his or her own maternal language.

From large texts and memos to personal letters, a translator can help you communicate in another language.

I specialize in the areas of business, law, medicine, technology and international affairs.

Also, I translate from Spanish, French, and Portuguese into English, my mother language.

Let me help you communicate your ideas professionally and effectively. If you are in Buenos Aires, call me at (1160 461 342 ) or anyone can send an email to mrenglish101@gmail.com for prompt attention.

Ingles para Negocios

Ingles para Negocios (Business English) is gaining importance in the English as Foreign Language (EFL) field.

English is the dominant language. So much so, even in Hong Kong, English is preferred over Mandarin Chinese as the lengua franca of business affairs.

Here are some key sources for business news in English on the Internet:


In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

How to Hire an English Professor

Ok, in our last post, we discussed some of the advantages of studying English with a native professor.

However, what qualities should you look for before hiring one?

Not every native speaker of a language can teach it.

There are two main qualities to insist upon when hiring a native language professor:

1) Does s/he have a university education?
2) Does s/he have teaching experience?

It takes a certain person to be a language teacher. Patience, organizational skills, and of course knowledge of the language inside and out are essential. A university education is a credit. It is a measurement of proficiency and demonstrates a command of knowledge and education above minimal standards.

Experience. Sometimes experience is the best teacher. Does the prospective professor have a track record for teaching English? Through institutes or universities? Or does their experience consist of only private students? Investigate. Ask for references.

Buy an hour of the professor's time to test their competence, demeanor, and manner of teaching a class. They are professionals (hopefully) and their time is valuable. If you like the class and if there is a chemistry with the teacher, then sign up for more classes.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

English Lessons

English is the lengua franca in the world today. In business, science, arts, communication, and diplomacy, English in one form or another dominates. Moreover, it is the mark of a well-rounded educated individual.

In Buenos Aires, I offer private lessons for those interested in improving their skills in English or those just beginning to learn the language.

There are more non-natives teaching English than natives in the world. However, a native English-speaker offers natural advantages.

A native speaker can correct instantly the use of expressions and the accent. Conversation forces the brain in an instance to find the adequate phrase for the situation, stimulates learning of vocabulary, grammar and leads eventually to dominating the language.

Serious language students seek out native speakers to dominate the language and to achieve the optimal level of perfection available. The personal and professional rewards are immeasurable.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.

7 Things to Know about Teaching English in Buenos Aires

The English teacher abroad is a special person. The combination of wits, strength, intelligence, and flexibility is just some of the traits needed to survive against the odds away from his or her native land.

In Argentina, the demand for English is strong. It will probably be impossible to gain the proper papers to work legally without much effort and time - time you need to be working to make a living.

So, what do you do?

Come to Buenos Aires, but heed these 7 points of advice.

1. Find a recruiting firm for English teachers - teach Business English. The firm assigns you hours with companies. Get some hours in the morning - the popular time - and save the afternoon for private lessons (see below). You will have to travel around the center of Buenos Aires to different sites. The going rate? 20 pesos / hour.

2. You get paid once a month. The pain! So bring a budget of at least $2500 to hold you over until you can get the first payment in Argentine pesos. Hold some dollars in reserve. You never know when you will need them.

3. Know thy grammar. Teaching English requires a great degree of professionalism an competence. Not every speaker of the language can teach it. Buy a grammar book before leaving home that covers the basics and more. Have a good understanding of the tenses and be able to explain them without fail.

4. Teaching experience is helpful. As a native speaker you will be given wide berth here to teach your maternal tongue. Experience as a teacher with classroom experience or as a tutor is an asset. Your students will know immediately. It will also help you with private students.
5. Private students are golden. You will make more pesos with private lessons than you could hope to make with a recruitment firm. It will take effort and marketing wits, but it can be done.
6. Speak some Spanish. The last two points here are for emphasis. While you are may be more likely to encounter one who speaks English here than other Latin American capitals, learn the local language. Your traditional Spanish is not spoken in Argentina. However, any effort to speak the language is appreciated and will make your life easier in your new land. Take a class or at least pick up a phrasebook before arriving.

7. Review your life and make sure you are ready to make the leap.
You are not going to get rich and may not have a comfortable life at first. Make sure you are prepared mentally and economically for the life in another land. Some rewards in life are not monetary. Your perspectives will be challenged. Buenos Aires is a marvelous city with many charms.

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 342 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.


The purpose of English in Buenos Aires (EBA) blog is two-fold - to both inform and alert potential customers of English language services available in Argentina's capital city.

Hello, I'm Winn, a professor of English and certified translator and native of the United States. I hail from (south) Florida, the Sunshine State, where many Argentines call home.

Buenos Aires lies at the crosscurrents of the strong demand for English in Argentina. The vibrant "Paris of South America" opens its doors to the world with strong tourist, cultural, and commercial links.

Argentines are well-educated and porteños (residents of Buenos Aires) are especially tuned into the world around them. Given English at the moment is the lengua franca, it is therefore important to not only learn but dominate the language.

EBA covers the EFL (English Foreign Language) territory in the Argentine capital as well as life in general here for an American expat. Plus, given my profession as a translator as well, my loyal readers can get a daily sample of the headlines from Argentine papers translated into English.

I invite you to subscribe to EBA. If you are interested in EFL in Buenos Aires, want to learn about life here, sign up today!

If you need to learn English or prepare for the TOEFL or IELTS, need documents translated from Spanish, French or Portuguese into US English, require a specialized English service (writing letters, essays or CVs in English) or are visiting and require a confidential interpreter (Spanish<>English), not only subscribe but contact me directly!

Life abroad is full of unique challenges and rewards. Join me on this excursion!

In Buenos Aires, contact Professor Winn directly for your own English classes at: 1160 461 432 or mrenglish101 (at) gmail.com. Translations via email may also be sent to the gmail account for prompt evaluation.